Saturday 23 July 2016

Liberation of Kashmir

)I am not going on the history of J&K but I just want to communicate with my Indian brothers from Kashmir, especially from the Valley, so that we can discuss about the future of Kashmir and India. Sicne childhood, when I started learning news, I have always heard about some disturbances and how the heaven has changed into a “dojakh”: Brothers & Sisters from Valley:– As I understand, you want AZADI, that too only from INDIA !!?? Pakistan has also captured a part of Kashmir, which is bigger as far as only Valley is concerned, but you love them, you hurl their flag in your hand, and people like Gilani and separatists call it “AZADI” to become part of Pakistan ??!!!! If you really want AZADI, you should also talk about your brothers living in POK as worst than a slave’s life.
Also, there is a big hindrance in AZADI of Kashmir :- Kashmir is as equal of Muslims brothers as it is of Hindus or Budhists brothers of J&K, but unfortunately Hindus and Budhists of J&K don’t want AZADI. So, what are your plans to cleanse the rest of the Hindus and Budhists of J&K who don’t want AZADI ?? Will you prosecute or cleanse them as you did the Kashmiri Pandits ?? No other suppressed country has cleansed any minority like that as Kashmiri Pandits were !!!
Lets consider, you want to be part of Pakistan, but that will be simply based on Religion than, in which the Hindus and Budhists are not in your support. And what will be your situation after becoming part of Pakistan….ask people of POK, or any Baluchistani, Sindhi or any Pashto brothers and sisters.
So, you want AZADI from only Indian part of Kashmir or also from the bigger area of Kashmir valley under POK ?? Or the complete J&K ? It is obvious, the Pakistan will not leave the area of POK, then what do you think the India is only a weakest country ?? So that once again you will break it on the basis of Religion, on the basis of Jihad or with the help of Pakistan ?? NO, NO, NO…whatever truth is in your version (which are full of double speak, and proven by the above cases of POK and Kashmiri Pandits)…but on the basis of Religion, you cant break an Inch of India now…at least 125 crores Indians will not allow you to do so??
Unfortunately I may sound bad to you my brothers, but do you think you can get the independence of Turkistan from China – where the Uigur people are not even allowed for NAMAZ and ROZA ?? Where they are killed in big numbers, Hafiz Sayeed has nothing to say on those !!!??? Because they want to sit in the lap of China. What about Tibbet ?? No communist speaks anything on that??!!
And, if you want Plebisite, why don't you also want the same in POK, Baluchistan, Sindh, Turkistan, Tibbet…it should be done in all these places…and why only in Kashmir ? As per the UN convension also, unless, Pakistan don't take back its position from POK, plebiscite can't be done. Also, I don’t think, Pakistan will remain as Pakistan if there will be Plebisite in all 4 parts of Pakistan except in the Punjab.
And if you still don't want to integrate with India, and want to still fight for AZADI only from India, we will fight...for thousands of years if that may be….but will not let it divide once again on the basis of Religion. But yes, if you considering yourself also as an Indian, want to fight for any right of an Indian through the talk, we all want to talk and will stand together with you for any fight of Jobs, Poverty, Development or any such issues that we also face as an Indian. अंग्रेजी अनुवाद अमिताभ कुमार जी के सौजन्य से